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"30 GOP senators would impeach Trump"


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Ex-McCain, Romney adviser tells MSNBC '30 GOP senators' would impeach Trump in secret ballot

A longtime GOP political consultant made a stunning claim on Wednesday that "30" Republican senators would vote to impeach President Trump if there was a secret ballot.

Mike Murphy, a former advisor to John McCain and Mitt Romney, appeared on MSNBC and began by claiming that Trump's alleged misconduct was "much clearer" in the transcript of the president's conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky than the Mueller report and that a direct "quid pro quo" wasn't necessary, calling it a "classic shakedown."

"I'm telling you -- these Senate Republicans, should the Democrats vote impeachment… are going to be pinned down to a yes-no answer,” Murphy told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. “And if they provide cover for Donald Trump for this, a clear violation of his role as president, we’re going to lose Colorado with Cory Gardner. We’re going to lose Maine with Susan Collins. We’re going to lose Arizona with Martha McSally. And the Democrats will put the Senate very much in play.”

Murphy predicted that the politics will become "worse and worse" for Trump, which will push GOP lawmakers towards impeachment. He then claimed that dozens of Republicans are secretly on board with impeachment.
"I can tell you this... one Republican senator told me if it was a secret vote, 30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump," Murphy claimed.

On Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., announced a formal impeachment inquiry, saying "the president must be held accountable" for his "betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and the betrayal of the integrity of our elections."
Invoking the "darkest days of the American Revolution," Pelosi called on lawmakers to honor their constitutional oath to protect the country "from all enemies, foreign and domestic."
"This week, the president has admitted to asking the president of Ukraine to take actions which would benefit him politically," Pelosi said. "Therefore, today, I'm announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. I'm directing our six committees to proceed with their investigations under that umbrella.
"The president must be held accountable," she continued. "No one is above the law."

I know, it's not a secret vote but wait to see what's gonna come out from the impeachment investigations...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Too bad cocaine Mitch is standing in the way of your masturbatory fantasies. He's gonna win yuge in 2020.


A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke.
Too bad cocaine Mitch is standing in the way of your masturbatory fantasies. He's gonna win yuge in 2020.

So you're not arguing that your guy is innocent, or even denying that he's 100% guilty. You're just openly admitting that it's ok because mcconnell will continue to subvert the American people the way that he always has and shield your criminal president for another run next year. And all that's just fine with you, because he's your dude.

You sir, are a TRUE republican.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Too bad cocaine Mitch is standing in the way of your masturbatory fantasies.
You think Mitch can block a vote on impeachment ? Or that he can, I don't know, scare these people enough to make them not impeach Trump ? Even if hey think that ot impeaching him would enrage their constituents and make them lose re-election ? You really think Moscow Mitch can do either of these things ?
Remember, we're taking about Mitch McConnell, the only congressman more slimy than Nancy Pelosi...

He's gonna win yuge in 2020.
Your faith in Trump's re-election reminds me of how Democrats were feeling back in 2015. I think you know how it ended so I my advice to you would be "Don't couny you chicken before they hatch". And that's a friendly advice 'cause I would love to see you celebrate you celebrate early to then have a meltodown when the actual election happens and your guy loses.
I'm not saying he will lose, all I'm saying is "be careful" 'cause when you're sure you're gonna win and you end up losing, that hurts pretty bad...


A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke.
Mitch McConnell, the only congressman more slimy than Nancy Pelosi...

In what way is Pelosi slimy? You don't have to like Pelosi, I don't have any strong feelings about her, but to call her the most "slimy" congressperson other than mcconnell is counterproductive and ignorant. Do you think by tossing that in there you're gaining a little credibility with the trump crowd?


Hiliary 2020
In what way is Pelosi slimy? You don't have to like Pelosi, I don't have any strong feelings about her, but to call her the most "slimy" congressperson other than mcconnell is counterproductive and ignorant. Do you think by tossing that in there you're gaining a little credibility with the trump crowd?

they're all slimy. If they weren't slimy they wouldn't be where they are.
there are no sides in US politics. No parties. Just one slimy club with slimy members. Multi-Millionaire criminals who live like royalty. 1st class all the way. And how did they all get so rich making 200K a year? By being slimy of course.
By doing what their owners tell them to do in exchange for large sums of slimy money.
Ok back to the show.